Homeowners frequently engage contractors to conduct home renovation projects like roofing, change of air conditioning system, as well as basement improvements to enhance the value of their property. Equally, authorities change building and construction codes to keep up with technology, evolving safety standards, as well as the environment.

As such, it’s critical to plan, design, as well as incorporate building codes in any home improvement project. Building in principle helps homeowners acquire eco-friendly solutions like green energy or a positive contribution to health and safety.   

Here’s how a homeowner can benefit by adhering to building codes:

5 Reasons Why You Should Adhere to Building Codes for Your Home Renovation

1. Improving Safety in Your Building

As the population grows, there’s a rising demand for housing. This puts pressure on existing amenities. Consequently, modern buildings accommodate many residents, compounding the impact of potential disasters.

The Grenfell fire disaster in London is one of the modern fire disasters that point to the looming danger that residents face. The role of the frequent changes in the building codes is to mitigate the risk associated with current building technology.

Here are a few features that can boost safety in buildings.

Material Combustibility 

The modern trend of building includes high-rise buildings which pose a significant challenge to firefighters. Modern homes should therefore take into account possible fire incidents by using fire-resistant materials. Some of the recommended materials in use include fire-resistant glass windows, concrete, stucco plaster, as well as gypsum.

Fire Suppressing Solutions 

You can take advantage of the latest fire suppressing technology to meet or exceed building safety codes. You can also incorporate integrated voice evacuation, advanced smoke detectors, as well as video smoke detectors when conducting your renovations.

Instead of being surprised by an actual fire incident, it’s essential to incorporate modern measures that live up to the codes and evolving fire hazards.

2. Environmental Benefits

The world faces a rise in disasters such as excess flooding, droughts, heatwaves, hurricanes, as well as storms. It’s, therefore, a collective and individual responsibility for people to use interventions that reduce carbon emissions, encourage minimal energy consumption, and use energy sources with zero fossil fuels.

Updated building codes urge contractors to generate minimal waste during construction. Therefore, the ideal contractor should have an internal policy to churn out minimal waste and a mechanism to use minimal supplies. Alternatively, you can explore ways to recycle construction debris as well as materials from renovation projects.

3. More Efficient Improvements

Resources like energy as well as water are scarce. This is why they form a considerable portion of home expenses. Equally, the federal and state governments understand the impact of inefficient energy on the environment and future generations. It’s therefore essential to envision, plan, as well as design home renovation projects that improve resource efficiency.

Here’s a breakdown of building codes that improve energy efficiency:

Lighting System 

Lighting is an everyday use that contributes a large portion of the energy costs. As you plan for home renovations, it’s crucial to incorporate green energy sources like solar, to tap on solar energy. Other energy-efficient lighting solutions like halogen incandescent bulbs, light-emitting diode(LED) bulbs, or energy-star compact fluorescent lamps last longer as well as use minimal energy.

Ventilation and Air Conditioning 

The National Code of Energy for Building in Canada(2011) updated changes touching on HVAC systems. If your home was built in 2010 and below, you must work with your contractor to incorporate the stipulated changes. The new law sets restrictions on the unit’s power demand based on the conditioned space. The updated system should therefore work towards reducing power demand as the airflow rises.

Water Conservation Features 

The National Plumbing Code of 2015 includes a raft of building changes to improve water efficiency. It recommends building owners to change plumbing systems, supplies, as well as fittings such as shower heads that conserve the total volume of water used in homes.

As you plan to do renovations, endeavour to include a shower system that uses less than 10 litres/minute, taps with variable flow rate, as well as home water harvesting systems.

Home renovation projects that take into account current building codes bring dual benefits to your home. After installing a water-efficient plumbing system, you’ll require less power to pump or heat your home. This is an additional benefit to reducing the monthly water bill and stress on natural resources.

Architectural blueprints for a home renovation project spread out on a table together with a hard hat and other architectural tools.

4. Minimal Change Orders

Before you execute a structural adjustment to your home, you must seek approval from building inspectors. The process involves the vetting of the plans and the completed projects.    

Homeowners often deal with deferrals or declines due to changes or lack of awareness of building codes. It’s therefore essential to be aware of updates in the building codes to avoid compliance issues.

Here are some of the common aspects they check:

That said, as a homeowner, you should find ways to minimize the costs associated with frequent changes by choosing the right contractor. Probe the contractor to determine whether their methods and materials comply with the building codes. The ideal contractor should also be updated on any upcoming changes in the building codes.

5. Better Budget Management

Sticking to the budget for a home renovation project is a tricky balancing act that requires forward-thinking. Surprisingly, adhering to the building codes can minimize wastage, mistakes, as well as bring new cost-effective solutions.

The inspection process is a common cause of variation in cost management. Non-compliance with the current building codes is sufficient ground that building inspectors use to order changes, increasing the project’s total cost. Ultimately, compliance with the building codes reduces instances of spending more than what’s in your budget.

Choose Carlyle Construction for Home Renovation Projects in Line With Building Codes

Complying with building codes can save you from a potential lawsuit, high running costs, as well as disaster. It’s, therefore, crucial to work with a contractor who’ll help you plan, design, and execute a home renovation project in line with updated codes.

To that end, Carlyle Construction is here for you. We are general renovation contractors who offer bathroom, kitchen, landscaping, as well as home addition renovation services. Contactez-nous to learn about our excellent services.

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